2 Mayıs 2014 Cuma

Delphi 7 - Default KısaYol Tuşları

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INDEX                    SHORTCUT               COMMAND
ASCII input              Ctrl+P                 Causes next character to be interpreted as an ASCII sequence
Block col to BOL         Alt+Shift+Home         Selects the column from the cursor position to the start of the current line
Block col to EOL         Alt+Shift+End          Selects the column from the cursor position to the end of the current line
Block hide/show toggle   Ctrl+K+H               Hides/shows a selected block
Block indent             Ctrl+Shift+I           Indents block
Block left & PgUp        Shift+PgUp             Moves the cursor up one screen and selects from the left of the starting cursor pos
Block left & up          Shift+Up Arrow         Moves the cursor up one line and selects from the left of the cursor position
Block left char          Shift+Left Arrow       Selects the character to the left of the cursor
Block left col           Alt+Shift+Left Arrow   Selects the column to the left of the cursor
Block left col dn 1 scr  Ctl+Alt+Shft+Pg Down   Selects the column from the cursor position to the top of the screen
Block left col to EOF    Ctl+Alt+Shft+End       Selects the column from the cursor position to the end of the current file
Block left col up 1 scrn Alt+Shift+Page Up      Moves the cursor up one screen and selects the column from the left of the cursor 
Block left word          Ctrl+Shift+Left Arrow  Selects the word to the left of the cursor
Block line               Ctrl+O+L               Marks a line as a block
Block mark beginning     Ctrl+K+B               Marks the beginning of a block
Block mark col           Ctrl+O+C               Marks a column block
Block mark end           Ctrl+K+K               Marks the end of a block
Block mark inclusive     Ctrl+O+I               Marks an inclusive block
Block mark line          Ctrl+K+L               Marks the current line as a block
Block mark non-inclusive Ctrl+O+K               Marks a non-inclusive block
Block move               Ctrl+K+V               Moves a selected block
Block outdent            Ctrl+Shift+U           Outdents block
Block right & PgUp       Shift+PgDn             Moves the cursor down one line and selects from the right of the cursor position
Block right & up         Shift+Down Arrow       Moves the cursor down one line and selects from the right of the cursor position
Block right char         Shift+Right Arrow      Selects the character to the right of the cursor
Block right col          Alt+Shift+Right Arrow  Selects the column to the right of the cursor
Block right col dn 1 scn Alt+Shift+Page Down    Moves the cursor down one line and selects the column from the right of the cursor pos
Block right col to BOF   Ctl+Alt+Shft+Home      Selects the column from the cursor position to the start of the current file
Block right col up 1 scr Ctl+Alt+Shft+Page Up   Selects the column from the cursor position to the bottom of the screen
Block right word         Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow Selects the word to the right of the cursor
Block to BOF             Ctrl+Shift+Home        Selects from the cursor position to the start of the current file
Block to BOL             Shift+Home             Selects from the cursor position to the start of the current line
Block to EOF             Ctrl+Shift+End         Selects from the cursor position to the end of the current file
Block to EOL             Shift+End              Selects from the cursor position to the end of the current line
Block to Screen Bot      Ctrl+Shift+PgDn        Selects from the cursor position to the bottom of the screen
Block to Screen Top      Ctrl+Shift+PgUp        Selects from the cursor position to the top of the screen
Block word               Ctrl+K+T               Marks a word as a block
Bookmark goto 0          Ctrl+0                 Goes to bookmark 0
Bookmark goto 1          Ctrl+1                 Goes to bookmark 1
Bookmark goto 2          Ctrl+2                 Goes to bookmark 2
Bookmark goto 3          Ctrl+3                 Goes to bookmark 3
Bookmark goto 4          Ctrl+4                 Goes to bookmark 4
Bookmark goto 5          Ctrl+5                 Goes to bookmark 5
Bookmark goto 6          Ctrl+6                 Goes to bookmark 6
Bookmark goto 7          Ctrl+7                 Goes to bookmark 7
Bookmark goto 8          Ctrl+8                 Goes to bookmark 8
Bookmark goto 9          Ctrl+9                 Goes to bookmark 9
Bookmark set 0           Shift+Ctrl+0           Sets bookmark 0
Bookmark set 1           Shift+Ctrl+1           Sets bookmark 1
Bookmark set 2           Shift+Ctrl+2           Sets bookmark 2
Bookmark set 3           Shift+Ctrl+3           Sets bookmark 3
Bookmark set 4           Shift+Ctrl+4           Sets bookmark 4
Bookmark set 5           Shift+Ctrl+5           Sets bookmark 5
Bookmark set 6           Shift+Ctrl+6           Sets bookmark 6
Bookmark set 7           Shift+Ctrl+7           Sets bookmark 7
Bookmark set 8           Shift+Ctrl+8           Sets bookmark 8
Bookmark set 9           Shift+Ctrl+9           Sets bookmark 9
Breakpoint Edit          Ctrl+E                 Edit Breakpoint
Breakpoint toggle        F5                     Run|Toggle Breakpoint
Breakpoint-Add           Ctrl+A                 Add Breakpoint
Breakpoint-Delete        Ctrl+D                 Delete Breakpoint
Case toggle              Ctrl+O+U               Toggles case
Close current file       Ctrl+F4                Closes current file
Compile                  Ctrl+F9                Project|Compile
Compiler code insert     Ctrl+O+O               Inserts compiler options and directives
Copy                     Ctrl+C                 Edit|Copy
Cursor down 1 line       Down Arrow             Moves down one line
Cursor down 1 page       Page Down              Moves down one page
Cursor left 1 col        Left Arrow             Moves the cursor left one column, accounting for the autoindent setting
Cursor left 1 tab        Shift+Tab              Moves the cursor to the left one tab position
Cursor left 1 word       Ctrl+Left Arrow        Moves one word left
Cursor right 1 col       Right Arrow            Moves the cursor right one column, accounting for the autoindent setting
Cursor right 1 word      Ctrl+Right Arrow       Moves one word right
Cursor to BOF            Ctrl+Home              Moves to the top of a file
Cursor to BOL            Home                   Moves to the start of a line
Cursor to EOF            Ctrl+End               Moves to the end of a file
Cursor to EOL            End                    Moves to the end of a line
Cursor to block beg      Ctrl+Q+B               Moves to the beginning of a block
Cursor to block end      Ctrl+Q+K               Moves to the end of a block
Cursor to previous pos   Ctrl+Q+P               Moves to previous position
Cursor to screen bot     Ctrl+PgDn              Moves to the bottom of a screen
Cursor to screen top     Ctrl+PgUp              Moves to the top of a screen
Cursor up 1 line         Up Arrow               Moves up one line
Cursor up 1 page         Page Up                Moves up one page
Cut                      Ctrl+X                 Edit|Cut
Debug-Step Over          F8                     Run|Step Over
Debug-Trace into         F7                     Run|Trace Into
Delete block             Ctrl+Del               Deletes a currently selected block
Delete left char         Backspace              Deletes the character to the left of the cursor
Delete line              Ctrl+Y                 Deletes a line
Delete right char        Del                    Deletes the character to the right of the cursor
Delete right word        Ctrl+Backspace         Deletes the word to the right of the cursor
Delete to EOL            Ctrl+Shift+Y           Deletes to the end of a line
Delete word              Ctrl+T                 Deletes a word
Evaluate/Modify          Ctrl+F7                Evaluate/Modify
File open at cursor      Ctrl+Enter             Opens file at cursor
File open at cursor      Ctrl+O+A               Open file at cursor
File save                Ctrl+S                 File|Save
File save block          Ctrl+K+W               Writes a selected block to a file
Find                     Ctrl+F                 Search|Find
Find Again               F3                     Search|Search Again
Find Incremental         Ctrl+E                 Search|Incremental Search
Find delimiter bkwd      Alt+]                  Finds the matching delimiter (backward)
Find delimiter fwd       Alt+[                  Finds the matching delimiter (forward)
Form/Unit toggle         F12                    View|Toggle Form/Unit
Forms view               Shift+F12              View|Forms
Goto line number         Ctrl+O+G               Search|Go to line number
Help                     F1                     Displays context-sensitive Help
Insert blank             Space                  Inserts a blank space
Insert line              Enter                  Inserts a carriage return
Insert mode toggle       Ins                    Turns insert mode on/off
Lowercase block          Ctrl+K+O               Changes a block to lowercase
Lowercase word           Ctrl+K+E               Changes a word to lowercase
Macro play               Ctrl+Shift+P           Plays back a key macro
Macro record             Ctrl+Shift+R           Records a key macro
Menu                     Ctrl+K+D               Accesses the menu bar
Object Inspector (View)  F11                    View|Object Inspector
Paste                    Ctrl+V                 Edit|Paste
Read block from file     Ctrl+K+R               Reads a block from a file
Redo Edit                Ctrl+Shift+Z           Edit|Redo
Replace                  Ctrl+R                 Search|Replace
Reset running program    Ctrl+F2                Run|Program Reset
Run                      F9                     Run|Run
Run to cursor            F4                     Run|Go to Cursor
Source-Edit              Ctrl+S                 Edit Source
Source-View              Ctrl+V                 View Source
Speedmenu                Alt+F10                Displays a SpeedMenu
Stack view               Ctrl+F3                View|Call Stack
Stack-Edit Source        Ctrl+E                 Edit Source
Stack-View Source        Ctrl+V                 View Source
Symbol browse at cursor  Ctrl+O+B               Browse symbol at cursor
Tab insert               Tab                    Inserts a tab
Undo Edit                Ctrl+Z                 Edit|Undo
Units view               Ctrl+F12               View|Units
Uppercase block          Ctrl+K+N               Changes a block to uppercase
Uppercase word           Ctrl+K+F               Changes a word to uppercase
Watch add at cursor      Ctrl+F5                Add Watch at Cursor
Watch-Add                Ctrl+A                 Add Watch
Watch-Delete             Ctrl+D                 Delete Watch
Watch-Edit               Ctrl+E                 Edit Watch
Window list              Alt+0                  View|Window List
Delphi Default Keyboard Mapping

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